Often we can find ourselves trying to balance many roles in our lives, such as spouse, mother/father, employee, etc. It can be difficult to not get caught up in one role or the other, which can result in the other's coming up a little short. There are skills out there that can help us to find more balance in our family and home life even with all of these roles. One such technique that is taught by Dr. Victor Harris in his book Balancing Work and Family in the Real World is the SSS Approach. The SSS stands for Support, Share, and Strategize.
Support Collaboration is key. Support your spouse or partner on specific household and childcare tasks. Work as a team on certain issues involving your family and home life and delegate certain responsibilities and tasks in a fair manner. Tap into skills/qualities you use in your career to help in your family and home life as well. Discuss work and family life priorities with your spouse/partner and what you both consider these to successfully look like.
Share Delineating a responsibility as completely "yours" or "mine" discourages sharing in tasks and it discourages taking over certain responsibilities when it is necessary at times. Share in your family tasks even if you decide on who has primary responsibility over that task. It is necessary for you to make choices and remain flexible each day. It's OK to feel guilty or feel insecure about your performance as a spouse/partner, parent, or employee. Everyone experiences these feelings, and you should accept them. Share your feelings of guilt and stress, as well as your insecurities, with your spouse/partner.
Strategize It's one thing to say you will share in a responsibility; it's another thing to actually do it. Develop strategies or action plans with your spouse/partner on how you will handle certain responsibilities or regular issues that arise. Together, write them down and discuss them as a team like you would prepare for a meeting or presentation.
Take a few minutes now to think about one or two issues that you regularly struggle with, and think of an action plan to involve your spouse/partner using the SSS approach to help you balance these issues more effectively. Then, sit down to discuss it with your spouse, and modify it together as needed.
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