The following list is of books or other sites that I enjoy reading and feel are helpful and insightful for marriages and families.
*I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My church places a very high value and importance on marriages and families, and there are many articles written by those in the church about marriages and families that are very inspirational and helpful that can be found here.
*Not Just Cute This is a great website that talks about whole child development for children of any age, but more especially on children that are preschool aged.
*"The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" by John M. Gottman, PhD. I found this book to be very eye opening and full of great insight. Whether you are looking for a lot of help in your marriage, or just looking to continue improving an already great marriage, I would highly recommend this book!
*Love and Logic This is a great website that offers tips for raising children.
*A Good Grief Grief due to loss is a part of life, which means it affects marriages and families as well. There are all sorts of loss that can occur, such as death, divorce, loss of employment, etc. This website is a place where anyone who is suffering grief from any kind of loss can go and connect with others to find hope and encouragement and know that they are not alone.